
We think ourselves infinite, and of great import.

The center axis of worlds that revolve and expand.

Our daily thoughts, assumed to be astrological

bright points that will guide masses for eons.

We watch an ant heave a wasp into it's hill,

and we feel so large, and intellectual.

We calculate the strength of the tiny insect,

and feel we've accomplished a day's work.

Smug in our inventiveness, we peer inquisitively

into an observatories telescope, lectured at

by renown names, who can name all the stars.

Vertigo ensues and we descend quickly.  

Dismay wanes, as we recover our sense of self.

Superiority in the vastness of our little world

restored by rejecting what we know is true,

but refuse to admit, or look upon for long.

Because, to do so forces us to realize, and admit.

We are smaller than that ant we watched at work.

Smaller than a speck of sand it walked upon.

As we are truly human microbes, earthly parasites.

Living, and dying by the millions, uncounted

tiny bits of matter that somehow became,

and then became self aware, and at some point,

became audaciously self important.


Unaware that our only true contribution

to nature, and the universe at large,

is our ability to fertilize at death,

a small spot of ground and finally...


become something of worth.

 © 209, Tamera Dobbins