
Swinging from a single thread

I noticed the waft of air

when they entered the stable

just a man, and his wife

who sat atop the donkey.

I watched him help her down

and she settled in the straw

warm and dry far below me

where I swung securely

low melodious moans hummed

in the night, the cows lowed

in answer and moved closer

helping the donkey provide heat.

a faint wail announced  the KIng

born a helpless, innocent child

to be lamb amonst cow and sheep

in the straw of a dark stable

drumming, a boy and men joined

them with more sheep and camels

they were welcomed into the shelter,

out of the cold brilliantly starlit night

all provided needed heat, and shelter

from winter's draft's and chill

as they brought other gifts to honor

the one they called Saviour; Christ Child

within days whispered warnings

demanded they depart,

and gifts given provided passage,

silence and provisions needed

the family fled Herrod's ruling

and thus the child survived

and I a spider, swung here

and witnessed it all.

© 2013 Tamera Dobbins