Letting Go
love struggles in parental hand
constricted, unable to grow.
slipping through the cracks like time's sand;
take a chance, and let it go.
young hearts beat fast all aflutter.
jumping precipices, face aglow.
never thinking of their mother,
only knowing they must go.
distance, and time adjust the clocks
arresting life's oh so swift flow.
Familially bouyed above rocks
more swiftly on currents they go.
what once seemed to be containment
now supports, with one hand below.
learning, in loving contentment.
past hurts are released, let them go.
youth looks to their future forward,
the elder back to the joys they know.
but memory jumps the precipice
elders lost in gray fog, let go.
role reversals are painful tricks,
the child taking parent in tow.
all but our love withers and kicks,
in life's struggle to - let go.
kyrille © 2012 Tamera Dobbins