Amid Chaff and Weeds

Rubble lays where love once stood,

freed by time's erosion, and decay.

Released it separates, grows wings

and soars off in multiple directions.

The way home is forgotten and lost

amid liberation's self-directed paths

as love multiplies in open spaces,

outgrowing old strictures and rafters.

The roofs and walls are left to fall,

exposing crumbling foundations

over which wind whistles and cries

in soft echo of a familial call.

Longing will grow with posterity,

re-raveling the threads of memory

into knitted rows of kinship

that eventually take us back.

Love returns us to the path home

through the thorns and rubble

where pulling away chaff and weeds

we reveal still solid stone.


Member of The Poetic Bandits

© 2011 Tamera Dobbins

Re named from The Way Home