Invitation from an American Vet


Laid off last week,

not a dime to spare.

I open the mail.

It just ain't fair.

Amid the bills piled

I throw a demand.

Ole Sam's in trouble

and wants a hand.

Seems the deficit

on the hill is growing.

And now congress's

salary is owing.

But the White House

checking account is bust.

Just like mine, contains

only wishes and rust.

But, from nothing

with my little pail

they want me to bend,

scoop, and begin to bail.

Bucket by buck,

I'm to bail them all out.

Filling their pockets,

for another bout.

With no way to comply,

not a dollar to my name.

I sat and wrote a letter

to tell them of my shame.

I love my country.

American born, I 'm a vet.

But, that sacrifice don't

payoff the national debt.

I thought I'd have a little

from benefits to get by

But they were reduced

or just a recruitment lie.

So I stand on the corner

with my robotic leg

holding a cardboard sign

to wave at cars and beg.

The spot here next to me

is vacant I'm happy to say.

Uncle Sam's welcome

to come with me every day.

© 2016 Tamera Dobbins