I am Melting
My eyes closed on happiness,
tired from our night of dancing.
They opened, sleep dazed,
confused as I moved to rise
but found my self still lying.
"I'm melting" my silly mind
shouted, to my self.
staring at the unmoving
other half of my body
laying next to me on the bed.
I looked over at my husband
listening to him speak
into the phone, calling 911.
"Who is sick?" I wondered.
Frightened by the sad look
he gave me. I knew it was me.
The siren's are loud and fast,
I was in the hospital in no time.
Code Stroke, I heard the PA
repeat over and over in the ER.
Such a confusion of tests,
and large engulfing machines
that whined and whirled about.
I closed my eyes, eye. Only one.
The other did as it chose.
Maybe it closed. I couldn't tell.
Reaching over I picked up my hand.
I raised it up with the other.
Looking at the hand that once was mine.
I could feel no connection now
to the poor limp thing I saw.
It just was, like a glove once removed.
Voices spoke above me, about me,
neither bothered to address me.
I didn't care. It was to hard to think.
Words, meant sound, but little else.
I tried to speak, wondering if I could.
Noise emitted. Expectant faces loomed.
I tried again. They shook thier heads.
"I'm melting." I thought. "Like the witch."
I wished I could be Glenda the good witch.
I wanted to play with the munchkins,
and be able to sing and dance again.