
Like two magnets repelling

all others within realm

people divide into + and-.

All people seek contact,

companionship, friendship.

There is safety, and security

in numbers never found alone.

It is hard to overcome

natural shyness seeking,

reaching out in hope.

Children smile, only  to find

acceptance withheld,

a social divison, cut

by some unseen force.

Too young to understand,

yet feeling rejection,

pain and lonliness now

that will continue as they age.

Achievement, intelligence,

contribution to social progression

never considered, never enough

the division remains as time passes.

Some find solace within,

withdrawling into role playing,

career, or family leaving

society lesser for the defection.

Others never stop trying

angrily battering and kicking

at the invisable social wall

that restains their dreams.

But there are some

who find a listening ear,

tuned to a sad heart's voice

wrapping pain in warm acceptance.

They smile, living joyously

to values and standards of their own

as they stand on the steps welcoming

all who choose to join them in the journey.

© 2010 Tamera Dobbins