Anger stalks bright city streets
slipping in, and out of shadow
and is glimpsed in sun shafts
stabbing through gray.
Revenge steps in cadence
to a million broken heart's beat
Never mind the provocation;
as changeable as the situation.
The faces and names change
from city to city soul to soul.
But the tears are the same.
A rain of fear, pain and rage.
Women crying since time began
but continuing to nurture a world
of hurt on a spinning blue planet
while they knit it a warm woolen
sweater and matching socks.
Their daughters unraveling
the tight orderly rows unwrap
and leave starkly naked the abuse
society once kept hidden behind
legally closed double doors.
They march out carrying mace
walking on tall, black stilletto's.
Long legs bare or encased
in torn and pinned black fishnet.
Short hems and spiked hair
mark this generation's dare.
Challenging their genders past
they break chains, into jewelry.
The broken links of sisters
by choice still living in tears
bring out the rage and anger
in words written, and sung.
Telling tales never forgetting,
keeping the momentum
hips swaying heels tapping
out anger in every step.
Off Beat
You are my heart,
it always gets broken
one way or another
by myself or some other.
I'm always out of rhythm,
one beat behind or ahead
of where I should be when
you decide it's time to lead.
Inept, I wait on one foot
poised to waltz ensync.
Only to watch you solo
gracefully to wild applause.
I'm never sure of my cue.
Where do I come in?
Discordant and off beat
with no collaboration.
The lines we draw waver
in differing directions,
creating poignant scenes
of two different seasons.
You are my heart,
it always gets broken.
Tears only last so long,
breath exhales, and I go on.
spiral threads of life
spinning undirected,
create tangled endeavors
that achieve nothing
and excel at less.
the lost opportunities
twist amid confusion
leaving behind a legacy
of easily forgotten chaos.
by autumn rain
my trees of rust and gold
stand beneath the green conifers
delivering leaves like postal letters
to all my treeless neighbors' yards
heaping in gentle piles
leaving their rakes
Your fresh frozen heart
is untouched by summer's warmth.
Ice coated, glazed art.
From infancy
little ones learn
about avoiding what burns.
Maturity lessens
early fears; leaving adults
Unhindered by gravitational thought
limiting possibility, or ability
children defy boundaries and fly.
Until an adult protests, explains
gravity, infinity, and mortality,
bringing physics into play.
Their effort to protect
destroys dreams, soring wings,
and replaces them with reality.
This locks infinite potential into
tiny chambers in the mind
forever after remembered
only as flashes of iridescent thought.
Hiding behind glass doors,
feeling safe, and secure.
The world lives without a net.
Day- to- day. Check- to- check,
without reserve, or preserve.
Independence- dependant
on stability in upheaval.
Who needs a chaos theory,
when it is everyday reality?
in a bowl of pasta,
with noodles intertwining
until corporate startups
and mergers tangle and knot
And we are all left
playing monopoly,
with funny colored money,
selling houses back
for half value
and still going bankrupt.
But we continue bailing
with buckets full of holes,
wondering, where the money goes.
Watch. Watch. Wall street,
fall down the rabbit hole,
to be caught up in
pockets of Armani suits
while Alice stands watching
teapot forgotten in hand -
hard earned taxes pouring
unnoticed onto thirsty ground.
There can never be a choice
without consequences, but
crossroads can spin both directions
so out of four possibilities,
any one path can lead south.
But, without a chosen destination
all roads lead nowhere and fall
plummeting off horizon's edge,
to echo forever, never landing.
Select stable ground, reach out
seeking it and you will find hands
willing to grasp yours and lift on three.
Family, mate, partner, or friends.
Building your life alone, unrooted
without a foundation or framework,
make all erected be unbalanced.
Other's are our anchors, life's ballast.
Social skills or not, human connection
is necessary for stability, clans insulate us
from ourselves avoiding selfishness,
and isolation as we care for others.
Come, Autumn!
Nature's jeweled daughter,
fade youth's dew to wisdom's dry preserve.
Reveal to love, what fleeting beauty now lays bare.
Branches, aligning like stretch marks
into a silhouette
without flaw.
hungering for what is not his
encroaching on sovereign territory
rolling in on wide metallic tracks
crushing life, limbs and liberty
consuming peace, and security
shelling-- flames rise amid rage
burning resistance, and rights
metabolizing souls as he goes
war crimes amassing
crying children heard in the night
sound tracks he hears as he'sd
envisioning increasing prestige
confiscating and destroying resources
demanding world -wide power
envisioning renowned prestige
confiscating, destroying resources
demanding world -wide power