Dreams Left Sitting
Reality bears down
on dreams left sitting
lost in wingless wishes
inert without flight.
as fragile as
a hummingbird's heart
a dream's danger,
being crushed it's plight.
Progress forward,
or to right or left
by heroic deed of thought.
Saving your dream,
wisp that it is
yet child of your soul,
as parent ought.
Cradle it close,
growth is impeded.
Expose it,
push it forward into the glare to be examined.
Step back.
Let it stand
bearing your name before all.
accepted, or hurtfully rejected
each attempt a flagstone
welcoming footsteps
to ensure new ground is tread,
and old well marked.
For reality bears down
on dreams left sitting
lost in wingless wishes
inert without flight.
copyright 2011 Tamera Dobbins