Mushroom Cloud Math

Unable to tell

day sky from night.

children dart between

twisted metal and

geometric cement

remenats of what no one

bothers to remember.

Who cares as long as

they help you stay

hidden, never in the open?

Day and night matters not.

Hunger never sated.

The seach for food-

and water never ceases;

nothing grows in ashes

but cruelty and desperaton.

All go solo, to survive, or not.

Two soon always equals one

in the new math.

Mushroom cloud math.

Learning to count by

rictor meters, and

water drop rations

leaves little time for civics.

Long dead men

of coruption and greed

who pushed the button

to rid themselves of

a population to dumb

to know thier vote

no longer counted.

They could have used

a class on anger management.

Maybe then

they would have foreseen

thier own destruction.

Sticks and stones

beat atoms and nukes

as angry children know.

This country's greatest threat is its own self serving politicians. Why else would they sign a treaty promising not to provide shelter or protection for its own citzens in the event of a nuclear attack and then end the civil defense that once taught the population how to prepare and survive? Less of us. More for them.

© 2012 Tamera Dobbins